I love sewing

Here some photos of garments and soft furnishings I have made. Please keep looking, as I find pictures I integrate them to this gallery 🙂

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The first photo is my son and husband at my niece’s wedding party, I made for them the gillet and bows.

In the second, you can see the dress for my daughter in the making, it is made from a Burdastyle magazine patterns.  I must find a lovely photo where she looks absolutely beautiful and obviously the dress is finished! I will post it soon.

In the third photo a fellow friend is modeling an inspired folk costume that I made a long time ago, it is Xalapa style typical dress (my hometown). I have wore it only once, a long time ago, and now I have not had an opportunity to wear it, but never mind I shall keep it as a nice memory.

Here are some curtains, they were double pinch pleat, the fabric was heavy weight and I used interlining, very proud of them 🙂  but they were so heavy!!

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